Sunday 31 January 2016

In Geography we will discuss Australia Day.

You will get homework every Monday. Please try and return by Friday.

We will be logging onto Busy Things on the iPad and PC.

Image result for busy things

Are your ready to learn about our Maths Rotations?

Our goal is to read silently for two minutes. I wonder who the distractor will be?

We will start our buddy spelling.

We will learn more about our reading rotations this week.

On Monday we will finish our Holiday Recount.

If you have all of your work done before school you can log onto Xtra Maths.

Image result for xtra maths

Don't forget to bring your readers back on your reading day so you can get a sticker for your sticker man.

Image result for school readers

Thursday 28 January 2016

We did some tricky work in maths today. We spoke about how it is important to exercise our brain.

Don't forget your library bag for our lesson on Friday.

We have PE and Music on Friday's.

Our avatar is growing in Go Noodle.

We are getting more points on Class Dojo.

This was a popular song in Maths.

Remember only plastic lunch boxes in the fridge please.

Don't forget to put your brain break and drink bottle on your tablethis morning.